Books I Read July 4th, 2021

It's just been a complete bullshit month as far as reading is concerned. I don't even know why, really, because I was on the beach a lot and normally that's prime reading time. I even had a long plane ride where I didn't read a book. It's been weird. Anyway, I'm back in LA now though and I'll have to apply the spurs. These are the tiny, tiny number of books I read since whenever.


The Devil's Mode by Anthony Burgess – Short historical fiction from the author of Clockwork Orange. I didn't love and it don't remember much from it.


The Belgariad by David Eddings – A beloved childhood high fantasy that I re-read for a thing I'm writing. They are terrible.


The Word of the Speechless: Selected Stories by Julio Ramon Riberyo – A collection of short fiction from whom I gather to be the grandmaster of Peruvian letters? If my understanding is accurate his position isn't unearned. These are strong and wandering and weird, unified in their themes of quiet regret, as well and the use of laconically effective language, but distinct in terms of the individual plots and even some of the genres. Quite enjoyed.